Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blog 131 - Photoblog - Aero India - Feb 2009

Aero India - Sukhoi

Pictures from the 7th Edition of the Aero India (Feb '09) show held at Yelahanka Air Force station, Bangalore.
Aero India

Aero India - Sukhoi

F-16 Landing

Spent a fine Thursday afternoon standing under scorching sun watching the fiery dream machines fly! The show started with a flamboyant display by the F-16 and the F-18 followed by wonderful but a subdued display by the IAF Sukhoi. The Sukhoi painted bright in the Tricolor made a poetic display in the Bangalore skies.

Aero India - Surya Kiran Team

Aero India - Surya Kiran Team

Sarang Helicopter Display Team

Aero India - Surya Kiran Team

Aero India - Sarang Helicopter Display Team

The limelight of the show were the aerial acrobatics done by the Surya Kiran and the Sarang Helicopter Display team. Some amazing formations and performances.

Unfortunately as Murphy's laws go my Camera battries died down when the aerial acrobatics had lit up the skies hence could not click much of the aerial formations.

Overall a wonderful visit! :)

Aero India

Aero India

Aero India

Aero India

Aero India

Aero India

Aero India - Eurofighter

Aero India - Sukhoi

Dheemi si Zindagi Hai
Raftaaaar........ Chahiye!