Friday, March 16, 2007

Blog 061 - Quote for the day

I came across these beautiful lines on one of the web blogs. Did some Googling to know more about these lines and came across some of 'Robert Cavett's' inspirational quotes and philosophy.

While I can run, I'll run,
While I can walk, I'll walk,
While I can only crawl, I'll crawl,
But I will always move ahead.
~ Cavett Robert


a) If its to be it's up to me.

b) If we believe in something strongly enough, we are a walking climate of positive acceptance. People can refuse words, but they can't refuse an attitude.

c) Everybody has a big sign on them that says, "Make me feel important!"

d) It's amazing how much people can do when they divorce themselves from concern over who gets the credit.

Read more on Cavettism.

Robert Cavett

...He began a career as a platform speaker in the early sixties and in 1972 was given the Golden Gavel Award by Toastmasters international.
A great speaker, he founded the National Speakers Association in 1972. Read more over here.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007